Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hair update

It's been 3 months since my last chemo. I thought I would have had more hair by now, but that's okay, I can be patient, it's coming. I'm very excited to have my eyelashes back!


  1. Yayyyy for hair!!! Like you I was thankful to have lashes and brows again. My hair came in straight like yours, but then almost overnight turned curlicue! Curly, curly hair with the sideburn area remaining straight. I'm 21 weeks post-chemo.

  2. Whoop! whoop! your hair is back! You watch how it really grows fast day by day!

  3. So exciting and it looks so dark ... what I wouldn't do for eye lashes.

  4. Isn't having hair just WONDERFUL? I felt like I was coming alive again when it grew back! Keep smiling, Beth! :)

    P.S. I ran the 5K in 29 minutes, which isn't the greatest time, but I'll take it! Are you able to get out and walk?

  5. I pray that you be strong and may the Lord always keep you in His tender care. Hair or no hair, what is important is that you are feeling better. Take care

  6. woohoo! it looks great so far! my local support group buddies found the first 3 months of growth to be a bit slow and then BAM! it all starts coming back quickly thereafter. :) I'm amazed I still have lashes - not a lot but enough - after 7 rounds of chemo. One of my buddies didn't lose hers til after her last (6th) chemo but they came back quickly once she was done. Anyway - you look great! :)

  7. It looks really good Beth and you are looking very healthy! xx

  8. You know, every morning, I fuss with my hair, and I feel so very, very blessed. I don't think that I will ever take hair for granted. I was noticing yesterday that my hair is starting to get unruly again. I think I need another trim!

  9. To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind....
